Claw the Unconquered #1 debuted in mid-1975 as part of the first wave of the "DC Explosion", a period when DC Comics launched a record number of new titles on to the comic book market (16 new titles debuted in 1975 alone). Claw was one of several of these new series which were set in the "fantasy" or "sword and sorcery" genre, (others titles include Warlord, Stalker, Starfire, Nightmaster, Tor and Beowulf, Dragon Slayer). At the time DC's main rival Marvel Comics had found success in the genre with their Conan The Barbarian comics, and of all of DC's new fantasy characters Claw most closely resembles Conan in both his character and appearance (save the fact that Claw has a deformed hand). Claw The Unconquered was published bimonthly up until #9 (October, 1976), restarting again at #10 (May 1978). The entire series was written by Michelinie (though the never properly published #14 was credited to Tom DeFalco) and Chan remained on the title up to #7, with Keith Giffen taking over pencilling duties with #8. With the addition of Giffen, the series began to incorporate some sci-fi elements, moving away from its pure sword and sorcery beginnings. The relaunch of the series lasted just three issues, as it was suddenly cancelled with #12 (September 1978) as part of the "DC Implosion" when DC's comics line was drastically cut. The cancellation was so sudden that two further issues of the series had been fully written and drawn. These stories were published in Cancelled Comics Cavalcade #1 in 1978, (however only 35 copies of that comic were ever officially published). The character was revived in 1981 for a two part back up feature in Warlord #48-49 (August-September 1981) written by Jack C. Harris with art from Tom Yeates. This series tried to wrap up the story of Claw. (Credits: Wikipedia, the FREE Encyclopedia)