The Mummy the Rise & Fall of Xango's Ax No. 4

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  • Regular price $11.00

Joshua Jabcuga (w) Stephen Mooney (a & c) This is it! The final prequel issue before this summer's upcoming Mummy blockbuster movie, starring Brendan Fraser! Twists and turns and cliffhangers aplenty as Rick O'Connell goes mano-y-mano-er, make that mano-y-mummy, against the rejuvenated, mythical ax-wielding god of thunder, Xango. What surprises are in store for our band of heroes? Will Rick and son Alex save the fate of humankind before Evie returns home and discovers their recent misadventures? Pulpy madness and the kitchen sink, brought to you by Joshua Jabcuga (Scarface: Devil in Disguise) and Stephen Mooney (Angel: After the Fall).